What attracts rats to gardens?

What attracts rats to gardens? Last time we looked at what to do if you manage to get rats. However wouldn’t it be better to not get rats at all? Rats are attracted to many things which could be in your garden, so what are these things?

What attracts rats to gardens

Bran rats are the most common

Rats are omnivores so will eat pretty much anything, unfortunately this can include things in your garden. And once rats have a food source to exploit – unless it disappears – you’re just going to get more and more rats. One thing that is in many people’s gardens is a vegetable patch, they are a great way of becoming self-sufficient or just saving money.

However, if you leave your vegetables in the ground after they have become ripe they will start attracting rats – so make sure you harvest your vegetables once they are fully grown! But vegetable patches are not the only way food can be grown in your garden, fruit trees are also incredibly popular. Frustratingly once again when the fruit is ripe it can  become a exploitable food source for rats. Fortunately, however, the solution is exactly the same as with the vegetables – pick the fruit as soon as it becomes ripe.


What attracts rats to gardens? Waste and Compost Bins

What attracts rats to gardens

Compost bins attract rats

What attracts rats to gardens? How we dispose of our food waste can also be a significant factor in determining whether you will get rats. If you have a poorly secured rubbish bin full of food waste or even a badly made composter rats may be able to get in. But as soon as you stop the rats being able to get in this stops being an issue – so make sure you fix any holes in your compost bins or trash cans!

Finally, rats are always looking to make a nest. To avoid getting rats we need to try and deprive them of places to make nests. One way we can do this is by keeping our gardens clean and tidy. When the grass is overgrown or there is stuff all over the place it provides cover for the rats – making them feel safe enough to construct a nest.

So in conclusion, there are two main things you need to do to ensure you don’t get rats in your garden – remove or secure potential food sources for rats and get rid of anything which looks like a good place for a rat to make a nest! Get in touch with Chris here at Shawyers if you do have rats in your garden.